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One girl, one life, one world shared.

Saturday, November 30, 2013


So, I sat and announced to the world at large that I was setting myself a goal. And in this announcement, I indicated I might fail. I indicated I would struggle, work hard, falter, steady myself and walk on.

In the end, I think this is exactly what I have done.

Yes, I understand the goal was to write a blog post a day. And yes, I understand that I did not write a blog post a day.

Here's what I did do:

I thought about writing every single day. I sat down to my computer to write at least half of the days. I discussed my writing with everyone close to me. Every time a thought occurred to me that seemed shareable, I started formulating in my head and eventually put at least a couple of sentences down somewhere. I made notes in my phone while laying half naked on an examination table in the doctor's office, waiting to see a specialist.

What, ultimately, did I accomplish?

I accomplished allowing my writing free. I opened up my heart and my mind to let the ideas flow through me. I walked away from conversations so I could write. I wrote several posts that I simply haven't yet gotten up the gumption to share.

And I posted more blogs in one month than I had posted in the previous six.

So, while yes, you're correct, I didn't exactly meet the goal of writing something and publishing it every single day for thirty days, I did accomplish what I wanted to accomplish.

To get in the habit of writing. To open myself up and let myself flow free. To publish some things that I thought were utter crap and to publish some of the most intimate knowledges of myself I ever shared with any single person, I shared with the entire world.

My writing itself may not have improved over the last thirty days, but I did.

I became a better person with more self-understanding and I wouldn't trade that for all the blog posts in the world.

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